Campaign Leadership
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10
Thank you to our Campaign Cabinet members who have been
faithfully serving behind the scenes since 2017!
Liann Brajevich
Celeste Neuhoff
Honorary Co-Chairs
Ken and Amy Beyer
Campaign Leaders
Nick and Liann Brajevich
Adrienne and Stephen Cooke
Mike and Noel Fairchild
Michael Hammerle
Bob and Keigh Lee Horn
Rick and Kathy Leach
Clarke and Celeste Neuhoff
John and Carrie O'Malley
Ted and Kari Rigoni
Shelly Schoenberger
Steve and Janice Witt
George and Irene Yezbak
School Leaders
Jeffrey Beavers,
Executive Director
Dan Moyer, Principal
Geri Robinson,
CLHS Board President
Nate Kretzmann,
Chief Advancement Officer
Emmalee Lezama,
Chief Financial Officer
Campaign Office
Nate Kretzmann,
Chief Advancement Officer
Jacquie Antoun,
Sr. Director of Advancement