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Boys Beach Volleyball

Inside Out Coaching Initiative


Transformational Statement:

I coach to mentor athletes in how to be Christ-like men who love, lead, and take responsibility for others. I coach to develop in my athletes a lifelong love for the sport of volleyball as a way to enjoy God's gifts in creation alongside teammates whom they love and treat as dear brothers.

Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity. Psalm 133:1

Saints Boys Volleyball is a Christ-centered program that competes on the Beach during the Fall season. We practice on our own athletic complex sand volleyball courts, Saints Beach, and we compete at Huntington State Beach. We compete in the OCVBL, a local beach volleyball league including several beach city and south Orange County schools. Matches include five doubles seeds as well as one 4v4. We are blessed to have an elite level high school program and compete against some of the best teams in the nation.

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