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Youth Tennis Program

Crean Lutheran is excited to announce that we are now establishing a youth tennis program! USTA League starts in September and interested families can email Coach Patrick for additional questions and information about signing up.


USTA Socal OC JTT 2024 Fall League 

Minimum Player Registered per Team Date Monday, August 26, 2024

Format – 6 singles/3 Doubles – you need 9 Players minimum

Format - 4 singles/2 Doubles – you need 7 Players minimum


Important Deadlines & Dates:

  • Team Registration Deadline: Monday, August 26
  • Player Registration Deadline: October 9th
  • Scheduling Date: Tuesday, August 27
  • Season Starts: Saturday/ Sunday, September 7/8 
  • Blackout Dates: No Blackout Dates                            
  • Season Ends:  November 23/24 (including local league playoff’s)
  • Sectional Championships Orange ball: Saturday, January 11th Location TBD
  • Sectional Championships Green ball to 18’s Palm Desert/Indian Wells: December 14/15



Local League Playoffs

Every team makes the local league playoff, it’s single elimination.

Players must have played in two team matches before the local league playoffs.

Players can only play on one team for the playoff’s, local and sectional. 

Expect to play home matches on each Saturday and Sunday.


Local League Rules

We can adjust the local league rules to fit our needs, but once you go to So Cal Sectionals, sectional rules apply.

Coaches need to have a secured site to participate in the league.

Player Registration Fee

$275 +USTA processing fee of $33.15

$30 per player processing fee $3.15 = $33.15

Unregistered players cannot play in the league, no exceptions.


Within each division we will separate the teams into Gold, Silver and Bronze in an effort to make each division more evenly competitive.

Only division moving forward to Sectionals will be the Gold Division, all other divisions will play for the OC Championships.


Divisions, Format, and Scoring