Lockers & Varsity Jackets
But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
Athletic Lockers
Athletic lockers will be issued on a first-come, first-serve basis. Lockers are 12”H x 12”W x 13 1/2”D and are meant to hold the student-athletes valuables during practice and games. Lockers should not be used for lunches or other items that need to be accessed during the day. Return the Athletic Locker Agreement form to Mr. Nick Ellwein in the Athletic Department. If you have any questions about athletic lockers, please email
Varsity Jackets
It is with great excitement we congratulate you on earning your Varsity Letter at Crean Lutheran High School. As a Varsity level competitor in excellent standing, your commitment, hard work, and dedication to your sport has earned you this most honorable distinction. Always remember to represent Crean Lutheran High School like a "Saint," and wear your Varsity Letter with both pride and humility.
Jackets Sizing and Ordering
Jostens is Crean Lutheran High School's Letterman Jacket provider. To order your jacket, you may either attend one of our order collection events scheduled throughout the year, or you may schedule an individual appointment with our Jostens representative, Liz Flippin, at her office in Laguna Niguel. Scheduled ordering events will be advertised in the school's Friday email. If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with Liz, you may email her at When placing your order, please bring your Varsity Letter patch, any additional patches you'd like added to the jacket, and a completed order form. Jackets may not be ordered until you've received your Varsity Letter from your head coach.
If you have any other questions regarding the ordering of your Varsity Letterman Jacket, you may contact